Latest Past Events
Wet-Felting Project Bag Workshop at Slow Fiber
Slow Fiber Monterey 517 Hartnell St., MontereyHave you ever wanted to make your own fabric? Are you curious about the felting process? If so, join me on a wet-felting exploration at Slow Fiber where students will create a hand-made project bag using the resist method. You will learn to incorporate textures and colors from yarn, bits of silk and fabric remnants […]
Felting Texture Workshop
Curious about the wet-felting process? Join Susan Shirley of Mosshollow Hill in her virtual studio to learn the following techniques of wet-felting, nuno-felting, and surface design. Students will learn the difference between types of wool and create samples of the various techniques. Registration to enroll in this workshop is only $10/materials are not included. This activity […]
Lambtown-A Virtual Celebration of Sheep, Lamb, and Wool!
In February, I decided to apply to Lambtown after speaking to vendors at Stitches West encouraging me to do so. I got in! Happy Dance! However, then life threw us all a challenge. Covid-19 has changed the way events are being held this year, but it's certainly not stopping events from bringing communities together in […]